Did you know? In Maine, you can register and vote on the same day!
What Are the Requirements?
Be a citizen of the United States
Be at least 16 years of age to pre-register (you must be at least 18 years of age to vote, except that in primary elections you may vote if you are 17 but will be 18 by the general election)
Have established and maintain a voting residence in the municipality (i.e. city, town, plantation or unorganized township) where you seek to register.
Valid ID Documents
When you register for the first time in Maine, you’ll need to provide identity documents that show you have established your voting residence in the State of Maine.
The following documents are acceptable proof of identification for the purposes of registering to vote:
Government document or credential with photo ID (i.e. driver’s license, State ID, valid U.S. Passport, military ID, ID card issued by a federally recognized Indian tribe)
Government ID document/credential without photo (i.e. certified birth certificate or signed Social Security card)
An official document that shows name and address of voter (i.e. eligibility for public benefits, utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck)
Student photo ID from a state-approved public or private school or institute of higher education in Maine
Verified unique identifier (Maine driver’s license number or last four numbers of Social Security Number)
How to Register to Vote
Online: You can register to vote online
In Person: You can complete/submit a voter registration card at the following locations:
Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Most state & federal social service agencies
Voter registration drives
By Mail: Read the instructions, then download and print the PDF or the Word version to complete and mail to Cape Elizabeth’s Town Hall. Please note that both sides of the card will print on one page. If you cannot print the voter registration application, contact your town clerk to have a voter registration mailed to you.
On Election Day: just show up, complete a voter registration card, then request a ballot!
Already registered? Here’s how to VOTE
Requesting a ballot — A voter or voter's immediate family member may complete a request for an absentee ballot. Requests for absentee ballot can be done online, by phone, or in-person. The application may be returned to the Cape Elizabeth Town Clerk by mail, fax, email, or in-person by Tuesday, June 6, 2024.
Returning a ballot — Absentee ballots may be returned to the Cape Elizabeth Town Clerk prior to Election Day via mail, drop box, or dropped off to an election official. The voter or voter's immediate family member may deliver the ballot. More details & specific deadlines here.Early (Absentee In-Person): Absentee Voting In-Person voting happens in the Town Hall Council Chambers. Dates & times are provided here.
On Election Day: Our town’s polling place is at Cape Elizabeth High School.