Cape Dems // Area Dems // Community // Education // Civic Engagement
Giving Tuesday Prep Event
This year, we will be meeting at the Thomas Memorial Library to prepare Mini Warming Kits for Maine Needs (delivering the next day). We are seeking donations of kit contents via our Amazon Wish List. Donations purchased locally can be dropped off at 19 Meadow Way (just let Katie know to expect it.) — also needed, but not on the Amazon list: Dunkin' gift cards. Our goal is to make 100 kits!
Space is limited, so please RSVP if you’d like to help us assemble kits.
Voter Info Forum
Immigration & Border Security
Ronald Schmidt, USM Dept of Political Science
Free & open to the public.
Hosted by the South Portland Dems with support from the Cape Dems.
Voter Info Forum
Climate Change
Rep.Chris Kessler, Maine Climate Council
Free & open to the public.
Hosted by the South Portland Dems with support from the Cape Dems.
Voter Info Forum
Gun Safety
Nacole Palmer, Maine Gun Safety Coalition
Free & open to the public.
Hosted by the South Portland Dems with support from the Cape Dems.
Candidate's Night
Hosted and moderated by students from Ted Jordan’s CEHS AP Government class.
Location: CEHS Library.
Voter Info Forum
Campaign Finance
Shelby Wright, American Promise
Free & open to the public.
Hosted by the South Portland Dems with support from the Cape Dems.
Voter Info Forum
Reproductive Rights
Jillian McLeod-Tardiff, Planned Parenthood ME Action Fund
Free & open to the public.
Hosted by the South Portland Dems with support from the Cape Dems.
Cape Pride
YOQC Maine (@yoqcmaine) is hosting Cape Pride! Food trucks, live music, local advocacy organizations, and small queer-owned businesses.
Cape Family Fun Day
Held at Fort Williams during June each year, Family Fun Day is a day of fun, with games, food, and music.
Local Flood Impacts: Coastal Storms and Sea Level Rise
The Town of Cape Elizabeth’s Energy Committee, the Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI) and Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG) invite you to join us for a presentation about sea level rise and flood hazard.
The events included on this page and elsewhere on our social media channels meet one or more requirements:
Relevant to the Democratic Party and its platform.
Relevant to voting and elections, particularly Democratic candidates.
Relevant to town governance and committees.
Promotes community within Cape Elizabeth and its neighbors.
Events that favor one candidate over others in a contested primary will not be included, nor will single-issue advocacy events. Submitting an event for inclusion on our calendar does not guarantee it will be listed. The final decision about inclusion is at the discretion of the current officers of the Cape Dems.